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Lavender Essential oil – Benefits and Uses!

Lavender one of the most powerful remedies in the plant world, offers both physical and emotional relief.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender (lavendula angustifolia) indigenous to the Mediterranean region, now cultivated mainly in England, France, Spain and Tasmania has been used since ancient times as much for it aroma as for is medicinal purposes. It has been regarded as the most useful versatile essential oil for therapeutic purposes by herbalists and aromatherapists.

Uses of lavender essential oils are:

  • nervous and psychological disorders
  • muscular aches and pain
  • skin and hair care disorders
  • wound healing
  • clears bruises
  • combats infection

Relaxing the mind and body everyday helps to eliminate tension creating long term health and well-being. Using lavender essential oil on a daily basis helps to achieve this goal. This essential oil is easy to use as it does not need to be diluted in a carrier oil, it can be applied neat on the skin.

Uses of Lavender essential oil 

  1. In a bath, add 7 drops of lavender essential oil for relaxation to your bath water with your favourite soothing music in the background, the stress of your day will melt away leaving you completely relaxed and free to enjoy your evening.
  2. Put a 4 drops in a burner in the bedroom an hour before bedtime for a peaceful and restful sleep (for safety reasons, blow out candle before going to bed or use and electric diffuser)
  3. Add to a base cream or gel to use on minor burns, bruises and bumps.
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